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As a family of God, we regularly come together various times during the month to fellowship, encourage, exhort one another.

The scriptures tells us of the New Testament church who met together daily. 

 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people." Acts 2:46 - 47 


In addition to the below, if you need the prayers of the church please feel free to let us know so that we can pray for you. 


Sunday School

Every Sunday, we offer bible classes for even the very young ones up through our teens.

The children learn to sing together, pray together and most importantly the learn the Word of God together. 

We encourage our children to attend regularly our Sunday School where they learn about God, through hands on activities, craft, songs and games.

Our curriculum runs from ages of 3 months through to 15 years. 

Youth & Young Adults

The youth and young adult programs welcome any persons between the ages of 15 and 40 to join together a couple of times a month to share in bible studies, learning from each other, singing praises to God and enjoying a fellowship meal.


We generally meet on Friday nights and you can find out more information by checking out our Facebook page.

Praise 'n' Prayer evenings

As much as it is important to come together to learn God's Word, we also realise that it is vital as a family of God to come together to pray together. 


This is an opportune time for the congregation to gather together to share with one another our needs and petitions as well as our thanksgiving to God!


We also take the opportunity to glorify God through our acapella singing, even also learning new songs as we go.

Small Group studies

Looking to study God's word further? We meet together on the first and third Sunday of the month at 7pm as a small group study at our member's home.


We are happy to meet with you anytime for a personal one on one study, or in a small group. We have members available every day during the week to share with you the love of God through His Word.

Ladies Fellowship

The ladies meet together on Wednesday mornings every two weeks (except during school holidays) as well as every second Saturday of the month.


Meeting at both of these times caters for those who may be stay at home mums as well as those who work during the week.

Men's & Ladies Classes

At the end of each month on Sunday and Thursday, our bible classes are divided into men and ladies. This allows our ladies and men both the younger ones and more mature ones to share a lesson, learning further from God's Word.

Our meeting address is:

15 Moolanda Boulevard | Kingsley


Ph: 0416 559 050





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